Behavioral Investing

Behavioral Investing

Behavioral Finance and Behavioral Investing Behavioral finance studies how to systematically take advantage of errors caused by human thinking and emotion. Behavioral investing, on the other hand, aims to cash in on the irrational investor. How is behavioral finance different […]

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Outcome Bias and Investing

Resulting and Investing

Choose your Results When Investing   How would you like to choose your results when investing? As it turns out, we all do! It is a common bias called the outcome bias. Also known as “resulting,” the outcome bias is […]

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Reinvesting Dividends

When to Stop Reinvesting Dividends?

Stop Reinvesting Dividends When You Retire Some people think you should always reinvest dividends. Others think perhaps there are times when you should stop reinvesting dividends when you retire. When should you stop reinvesting dividends before you retire? What is […]

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Bullet Bond ETFs

Bullet Bond ETFs

Bullet Bond ETFs   Your asset allocation has risk on one side and safer assets on the other. For instance, a 60/40 portfolio has 60% Stocks and 40% Fixed Income. Different ways of structuring your safer part of the portfolio […]

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Managed Futures

Managed Futures

Managed Futures   Managed futures suffer from a branding problem. Just like high yield is better than junk, and private credit is better than hard money, managed futures will have a renaissance in the next decade after a re-branding. But […]

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Physician Investor

How to be an Excellent DIY Investor

You Can Be an Excellent DIY Investor   Physicians can be excellent DIY investors. But remember, physicians are considered “dumb money”—we have marks on our back from the financial industry. Yet we understand evidence-based medicine, standards of care, statistics, complicated […]

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The 3-Fund Portfolio in Different Account Types

The 3-Fund Portfolio in Different Accouts

Three Accounts and the 3-Fund Portfolio   Simplicity is a 3-fund portfolio. US and International equity funds and a bond fund are baked together in a set asset allocation. There is a tad more to consider when you have different […]

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Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn, and the Stock Market

Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn

Investing and Acute Stress Response   When I went to med school, fight or flight were the two options for an acute stress response. Well, I guess humans have evolved since then (or at least our understanding of them has), […]

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10-Year Rule

10-Year Rule and Retirement Accounts

The 10-Year Rule Increases Taxes   What is the 10-year rule, and why is it important? After 2020, most non-spousal beneficiaries pay attention. The 10-year rule will cost you more in taxes passing on your pre-tax retirement accounts.   Do […]

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