real returns of cash, bonds, and stocks

Long-term Real Returns of Stocks, Bonds, and Cash

What are the Long-term REAL Returns?   Everyone is currently worried about inflation, especially those about to retire. A poor Sequence of inflation is a retirement risk and hyperinflation (and deflation) are economy killers. But let’s not be pessimistic! The question […]

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self-acceptance in retirement

Audaciously Authentic

Self-Acceptance in Retirement  Working people introduce themselves by what they do. When you retire, you introduce yourself and say who you are. You have a different identity pre-retirement than when you retire. As we shift from “what you do” to […]

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RIP retirement

Are Target Date Funds Useful In Retirement?

Are Target Date Funds Useful In Retirement?   Let’s discuss reasons not to use target-date funds during the retirement drawdown phase. A fund-of-fund (like a target-date fund) is simple, efficient, and easy to manage during accumulation. Remember, though, that everything […]

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who pays IRA taxes?

Who Pays the Taxes on Your IRA?

IRA Legacy Planning   Let’s look at IRA Legacy Planning. IRAs are tax timebombs, and someone will pay the taxes. Who? You, Your Spouse, or Your Kids? Do you and your spouse want to pay the taxes or leave them for […]

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The Honeymoon Phase of Early Retirement

The Honeymoon Phase of Early Retirement   The first several months of early retirement are the honeymoon phase. Once you finally “break the chains,” you go through a sequence of emotions that mark the first several months as unique. It’s […]

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portfolio size effect

The Portfolio Size Effect

Get the Last Doubling – The Portfolio Size Effect   The portfolio size effect leads to a tough decision: a tradeoff. All investment decisions are tradeoffs. You want to get what you can from the market before you retire while […]

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SLATs for Estate Taxes

SLATs — I want an Estate Tax Problem!

SLATs If you have succeeded in gathering and protecting assets, you may have a Federal Estate Tax problem. Consider a SLAT. How about that for a new financial goal: I want an estate tax problem!   Worried about Estate Taxes? […]

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Codependency   Codependency is hard to wrap your mind around. I couldn’t do it for 20 years. It never made sense to me; it was as if the synapses wouldn’t fire. Now, it is not as if the term is […]

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