MYGA ladder

MYGAs instead of T-Bills or Cash

Consider MYGAs instead of CDs in a Ladder MYGAs are good annuities.  Good annuities also include SPIAs and QLACs. They all have similarities, but first, you must buy them rather than being upsold for a higher commission. Good annuities are […]

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Gratitude and Joy in Retirement

Gratitude Means Joy in Retirement

A Joyful Retirement is a Grateful One   Do you want more joy in retirement? If so, practice gratitude. Gratitude and joy are necessary to live the good life. So why not increase the joy of retirement by cultivating gratitude? […]

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The Health Benefits of Compassion

The Health Benefits of Compassion

The Health Benefits of Compassion   Cultivating compassion in your life brings inner peace and good health. If you want to be healthy in 2024, you understand that mindfulness has health benefits. Above and beyond good sleep, exercise, nutrition, and […]

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Millennial Wealth

Millennial Wealth vs. The Baby Boomers

At age 35, which generation is better off?   Are millennials worse off than their baby boomer parents were at their age? Both generations have had economic adversity, but what does that data say? Which generation is better off at […]

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QLAC good annuity

QLACs – Good Annuities

What Are QLACs? What are QLACs and should you get one? Another “good annuity” is gaining interest: the QLAC (Qualified Longevity Annuity Contract). This is “a DIA for your IRA.”  A QLAC is a Good Annuity, Too! A QLAC lets […]

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good annuity

SPIAs – Good Annuities

A Good Annuity Comprehensive Guide to SPIAs What is a “good annuity?” It is an annuity an advanced investor might want to buy! Usually, you are sold annuities, but not so with a good annuity. When considering retirement income, should […]

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Retirement annuities

How to Use Good Annuities in Retirement

Good Annuities in Retirement How do you use an annuity in retirement? Which annuities are “good” for retirement? Annuities, when used appropriately, lower both potential risk and possible reward. A SPIA is a good tool for significant current income needs. […]

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Surviving a Shame Storm

Surviving a Shame Storm

Focus on me being Better Not on me being Bitter You plan on using resiliency to survive a shame storm, but you must survive it every time. After rock bottom, you hurt enough to change, grow, and learn to heal […]

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risk tolerance and asset allocation

Risk Tolerance and Asset Allocation

Asset Allocation depends on Risk Tolerance  Risk Tolerance and Asset Allocation are tied at the hip and depend on age and recency bias. How you understand risk—and how you balance the stock/bond proportion in your portfolio—is the most important decision […]

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